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The regular microbial water testings in our project comprise the collection of raw water samples from the community raw water sources (open wells, rivers and handpumps) in our project villages and the analysis of these water samples for the presence of microorganisms, especially pathogens which cause waterborne diseases, in a state certified NABL lab.

Microbial water lab tests use specialized techniques to detect and quantify microbial contamination, providing valuable insights into water quality and potential health risks.

Microbial Water Contamination Is A Major Problem

SWI India conducts regular microbial water testings of the community raw water sources and the disinfected drinking water in the households.

Microbiologist B. Bharambe collects a raw water sample from a handpump in one of our project villages - for microbial lab testings.

2 Collecting raw water samples for lab tests - with Microbiologist B_edited.jpg

Our team collects raw water samples from different water sources in our project villages - for microbial lab testings.

The picture shows a lab test report for water from a hand pump (shown in the video) in one of our project villages.

The water is highly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria (ecoli, coliform, salmonella and pseudomonas).

This water is not drinkable without an efficient drinking water disinfection, no matter with how much diligence the two girls try to clean the vessels.

5 Raw Water, NABL Lab Test, Handpump, Rora Village .jpg
4 Raw Water, NABL Lab Test, Borewell, Biroti Village.jpg

This picture shows the microbial lab test report for the raw water from another of our project villages.

Also this water is highly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria (ecoli, coliform, salmonella and pseudomonas) and not drinkable without an efficient drinking water disinfection.

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SWI India, a German company, is dedicated to implementing vital projects for safe drinking water and climate protection in the tribal belt of Central India.

Our initiatives intersect multiple crucial areas, including ensuring access to safe drinking water, conserving forests, mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, empowering women, and alleviating poverty.

Through our holistic approach, we strive to create sustainable solutions that address the interconnected challenges facing these communities, fostering resilience and prosperity for generations to come.

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